Scenarios of Some of the Services Offered

1. Conducted interviews with Band Operations Manager and Health Director via teleconference to assess current state and determine need. A comprehensive policy document was developed. The refreshing of an outdated safe work procedures manual was conducted, along with the addition of several new work procedures. Paper-based training curriculum modules were created.

2. Worked closely with the Health Director to assess need for Communicable Disease exposure control measures to be established and implemented within the community health centre and adjacent daycare facility. Developed a written protocols manual and facilitated Communicable Disease Prevention training sessions to community health nurses and other community staff. This training was conducted via distance using Skype and Zoom meetings.

3. Attended a First Nation community health centre to conduct respirator fit testing for community health nurses that do/may use N95 respirators as part of their jobs. This annual fit testing is a requirement of WorkSafeBC. Four nurses and five community staff were successfully fit tested. During this community visit it was requested by the Band Operations manager that written safe work procedures be developed for the community garbage collection services along with several landscaping and snow removal work tasks. Safe work procedure binders were created along with a computer based training power point presentation.

4. A Nation was partnering with a renewable energy company in constructing a run-of-the -river hydro electric project. WM Safety Solutions developed a project specific safety plan that encompassed all of the health and safety considerations needed for the various components of the project. Training modules were created and training delivered to community working members. A contractor management program was also established as the Nation had contracted with several sub-contractors

5. WM Safety Solutions was retained by a Nation to provide on-going/as needed disability claims management with WorkSafeBC claims that included reporting, and return to work planning. A workplace incident reporting process was also established and implemented.

6. WM Safety Solutions was contracted by a First Nation to conduct Violence Risk Assessments (VRAs) at various off-reserve locations. VRAs included the recommendation of mitigate measures.